The following items have been either resolved (D#) or added to (F#) Nexsure. Click the Video icon to view the instructional video that details the changes to Nexsure.

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Item # Category Subtopic Description of Change Video
F1982, F3902, F3910, F3921 - F3924, F4903, F4904, F4908 - F4913, F5003, F5004, F5469 CRM, Retail Agent, Setup Name, Policies, Transactions, Lookup Management, Retail Agent, Assignment, Commissions, Contracts, Classified, Attachments, Location Updates to the Retail Agent modules in the retail agent entity tabs as well as lookup and security.
F3908 CRM Policy Added the ability to track the following types of business: New on Existing, New and Renewal.
F4992, F5067 Organization, Reports CRM, Invoices and Client Statements Added a Remittance address identifier and option to print on invoices and client statements. Use Remittance Address on invoices (professional, contemporary and top perforation) as well as on client statement reports.